Otter (Year 3/4)

New close primary school 094

Please look at the key information below


Adults in Otter Class

Adults in Otter Class

Class teacher
Mr Grace -

Teaching Assistants
Miss Dixon

Mrs Cundick

Class Expectations


Homework is: reading, learning tables and either a literacy or numeracy task. Homework is designed to support your child’s learning and help them to revisit skills taught in class. We aim to keep these tasks as simple as possible but children will benefit from some support at home to complete these tasks. All homework will be set on a Friday and should be handed in the following Wednesday. Children will receive house points for working hard on all aspects of their homework. For those who do not return their homework, they will be required to attend a homework catch up session on Wednesday lunchtime.

Reading Expectations
Children will either come home with a progress school book or (as a free reader) have a book for pleasure.

The children will need to have their reading book in school every day along with their Reading Record book.

The expectation is that they read at home six times per week and note the pages they have read in their reading record. This will be checked regularly throughout the week and every Friday. We expect at least one comment about their book per week.

Reading Races
We are continuing with reading races, encouraging children to read at home for pleasure. Your child will bring home their first reading race when they get their new book. Every time your child reads at home they can colour a spot and complete activities at key points. Completed reading races should be returned to school and children will receive a reward.

We have high expectations of behaviour at New Close. Everything we do is centred around our six values:

Aspire, Positivity, Pride, Resilience, Respect and Responsibility. 

When children do not follow these expectations, they will receive consequences. These consequences are outlined in our Good Behaviour Policy. 

We encourage our children to take pride in their appearance and feel that this, in turn, shows pride in their school. Children should wear: 

  • A red jumper or cardigan with or without the school logo (No other jumpers or hoodies) 
  • A white polo shirt
  • Black/grey trousers or a black/grey skirt
  • A summer dress 
  • Black school shoes or boots (trainers are only to be worn on a PE day)

Extreme hairstyles are not acceptable. 

At New Close we use the scheme called spelling shed. Instead of spellings coming home and tested each week the children will practice their spellings in school and there will be online test style games for them to practise using their spellings. There will often be a spelling related homework activity to support their learning.

Times Tables
Your child may be asked to practice set times tables or mixed tables to support their fluency in Maths. They are also expected to play TTRS – Times Table Rock Stars – online regularly. Let’s see who can become a TTRS Rock Legend!

We are starting a new scheme for times tables within the classroom, this will continue with the class through to Year 6. The focus is on them building a clear understanding of each of the table (including division facts too) and be able to apply it to their maths work. 


What do I need to bring to school?

Your child will need:

  • A named lunch box and water bottle and healthy snacks for breaktime
  • An appropriate warm/waterproof coat when needed
  • Reading books can be brought in a reading folder (Purchase this from reception)  


On a Tuesday and Wednesday Otter class will have PE. Children will need to come to school on these days in their PE kits: 

  • School jumper or cardigan (no hoodies please)
  • Red t-shirt
  • Black shorts or jogging bottoms
  • Trainers or daps

Forest School 

On a Tuesday, Otter class will have Forest School in the afternoon. They must bring their forest school kit into school with them to change into. For forest school they must have: 

  • A long pair of trousers
  • A long sleeved t-shirt
  • Socks 
  • Wellie boots 
  • A waterproof coat
  • A pair of gloves, hat and a scarf (in the winter)

You will not need any other practical or learning equipment as this will be provided for you. We are really trying to reduce the amount of items brought into school. We ask that you do not bring anything that is not on the list in.



Homework is: reading, learning tables and either a literacy or numeracy task. Homework is designed to support your child’s learning and help them to revisit skills taught in class. We aim to keep these tasks as simple as possible but children will benefit from some support at home to complete these tasks. All homework will be set on a Friday and should be handed in the following Wednesday. Children will receive house points for working hard on all aspects of their homework. For those who do not return their homework, they will be required to attend a homework catch up session on Wednesday lunchtime.

Reading Expectations
Children will either come home with a progress school book or (as a free reader) have a book for pleasure.

The children will need to have their reading book in school every day along with their Reading Record book.

The expectation is that they read at home six times per week and note the pages they have read in their reading record. This will be checked regularly throughout the week and every Friday. We expect at least one comment about their book per week.

Reading Races
We are continuing with reading races, encouraging children to read at home for pleasure. Your child will bring home their first reading race when they get their new book. Every time your child reads at home they can colour a spot and complete activities at key points. Completed reading races should be returned to school and children will receive a reward.


This Term in Otter Class

Please see document at the bottom of the class page to see this term's curriculum overview. 

Useful Links
