Outline of Curriculum

Outline of the Curriculum

At New Close, as we have some mixed age classes, our curriculum is organised into a two year rolling programme of whole school topics. Each year, we have six main topics which have a lead subject of either history or geography. Within this, there are linked subjects that connect children’s learning to the main theme. We aim to provide opportunities for the children to learn and develop a breadth of knowledge, understanding and skills. We also plan for experiences that broaden their understanding of the topic and encourage opportunities for them to apply what they have learnt to ‘end products’ or a ‘critical audience’. In addition, children have opportunities to revisit knowledge and skills as they move into subsequent years, this is identified in our curriculum overviews. Discrete learning is also planned for some subjects such as Maths, RE, PE, MFL in KS2 (French), Music, PSHE, Phonics and punctuation and grammar.

Planning teaching and learning

Teachers work together to agree the content and sequence of learning for the term’s topic. In addition, for some subjects, teachers access published schemes of work but adapt to meet the needs of the children at New Close. Lesson outcomes are planned with clear and progressive success criteria allowing all children to develop knowledge, understanding and skills. Teachers refer to the National Curriculum framework, our curriculum overviews and progression documents to ensure that there is both continuity and progression at a level appropriate to the learning needs of pupils.

Each individual teacher plans the weekly lessons and activities for their class, targeted to the particular needs and attainment levels of their children. Learning objectives are set that enable children to make good or better progress.

The learning is differentiated to include challenge for all, and support where necessary, in particular for those who have Special Educational Needs. Outcomes of each day’s learning are evaluated and planning modified as necessary to ensure that the needs of every individual are met. We use a range of strategies to give pupils opportunities to learn in ways that best suit them and the particular objective being taught. For example, through investigation, research, problem solving and practical experiences. Also through individual, paired, group and whole class working and through questioning, computing, fieldwork and visits.

Curriculum Documents

For each year of our rolling programme we provide a curriculum overview which identifies units taught and relevant links. Links to these documents can be found below.

In addition, for each subject taught, we have produced subject overviews and progression documents to show the development of knowledge and skills over time: 

Click here to see all our Curriculum Policies

Click here to see all our Long Term Plans

Click here to see all our Skills and Knowledge Progressions

Click here to see all our Vocabulary Progressions

Along with medium term planning, teachers are developing knowledge organisers to support their teaching of History, Geography and Science. In time, this will be widened to other curriculum areas. These knowledge organisers can be found on the class pages and in the individual subject sections. 

More information

If you would like to know more about our curriculum or if you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher via our Class information page.